Partly Facetious: Maryam needs to revisit her slogan
"I don't understand the First Daughter's strategy?"
"Well, NA-120 is her daddy's seat and has been for donkey's years."
"How dare you say that?"
"But it's true it's a safe PML-N seat and the N stands for Nawaz as you know and even if the PTI narrows the vote differential in comparison to 2013 yet there is little chance of PML-N losing the seat."
"That's not what I was referring to."
"But that's all I said."
"Yes you did! You said it's her daddy's seat and has been for donkey's years and I take exception to you using the word donkey in the same sentence as the First Family..."
"Donkey is an animal, a hard working animal and need I add, there are hundreds of thousands of households in this country whose livelihood is dependent on a donkey..."
"A donkey is an ass and an ass is another word for stupid and... Stop, let me finish, there has been nothing asinine about the way the First Family has handled its Panama papers defense - the fault Dear Brutus is not in our stars but in our underlings..."
"If you are referring to the First Family's legal team as their underlings then let me point out to you that apart from Panama papers case they won all legal cases in the past - especially when the Sharifs are in power - and they simply could not foresee an unprecedented occurrence, but who can!"
"Don't be facetious; anyway the Sharifs have reportedly decided not to appear before the Ehtesab court and no doubt as and when an ex parte decision is passed against them, they will say that their human rights were violated and..."
"Human as in the species? Or human as in being a member of the First Family?"
"Don't be facetious... but I ask you: what is the strategy of the First Daughter in campaigning for her mom?"
"When in power droves come to attend jalsas and that is beguiling her into being delusional - she actually believes that her constant attacks on the judiciary would not compel the court to summon her for contempt and that her supporters are swallowing her narrative that the peoples' verdict in NA 120 would nullify the court's verdict in the Panama papers case......"
"Did you consider that perhaps she wants Kulsoom Nawaz disqualified and claim victimization cause really if the party does not win the seat it would remain in power..."
"I don't think so, Kulsoom is the only member of the family who is having her cake and eating it too - she is enjoying the wealth and no cases have been filed against her. But Maryam needs to prepare her speeches more - saying that the crowd has become Nawaz Sharif and then to claim that they would become Maryam Nawaz is ineffective plagiarism of Benazir Bhutto's slogan: that you can kill many Bhuttos but a Bhutto will emerge in every house."
"I don't agree: I would love to be a Maryam Nawaz with all that wealth and flats all over the world rather than follow the Bhutto ideology if you know what I mean."
"Don't be facetious."
"OK, but Maryam needs to revisit the slogan. I propose she says that you can disqualify many a Nawaz Sharif but an offshore account would emerge from every Sharif."
"Don't be facetious."
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